AMRC Unveils UK’s First Open-Access Rotor Spin Testing Facility

By Marie Carter-Robb • Posted in Manufacturing
The University of Sheffield’s Advanced Manufacturing Research Centre (AMRC) has installed the UK’s first open-access rotor spin test capability, positioning the nation at the forefront of hybrid and electric propulsion.
Funded by UKRI’s Driving the Electric Revolution (DER) Challenge, £1.2 million has been invested to establish a world-class spin testing facility at AMRC’s Factory 2050. The Schenck Centrio 100 test system will enable high-speed, high-temperature component testing, simulating real-world conditions to accelerate rotor and electrical machine development.
Professor Geraint Jewell, AMRC, said: “This £1.2 million investment is a major boost for UK manufacturing and our drive to net zero. The advanced instrumentation will fast-track next-generation hybrid and electric propulsion, strengthening the UK’s global competitiveness in green technologies.”
Professor Mike Capaldi, Chair of DER-IC, highlighted the impact: “Without a UK-based open-access facility, manufacturers have been forced to offshore critical testing. This installation is a milestone in growing UK manufacturing for net zero.”
Lloyd Tinkler, AMRC’s senior technical fellow for electrical machines, added: “Rotating electrical machines are key to net zero. This spin test capability will be a vital tool in improving high-performance rotor design and manufacturing.”
The facility is expected to serve high-demand sectors, including aerospace, motorsport, and automotive. It will be open for commercial and collaborative research from April 2025.
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