Editorial Policies

Northern Engineer publishes news from businesses and organisations in or supporting/supplying the engineering and manufacturing industries in the North of England.

The platform encourages the submission of news, opinion articles, good quality jpeg imagery and video content.

News can be submitted in the form of press release – ideally pasted into the email message box rather than as attachments. PDF press release attachments will not be considered.

Opinion articles can be submitted as ‘first person’ blog-style pieces on an industry issue and must not be overly promotional about a company or organisation. Articles must be accompanied by a JPEG image of the author along with the author’s name, title, and any social media handles. Opinion articles also include the Northern Engineer Industry Insights Q&A. Again, these submissions need to include a JPEG image of the author and their social media handles.

Imagery needs to be supplied as high quality jpegs. Industrial, story-related photos are preferred over pictures of buildings, products or head and shoulders photos of people (unless it is for Industry Insights)

Video content can be provided in MP4 format sent via www.wetransfer.com to editor@northernengineer.co.uk. Videos should be around 90 seconds to two minutes in length and the content needs to be news-focused rather than promotional.

The editorial team will be responsible for producing accurate, stimulating and credible information and will have sole decision making as to the content. However, the editorial team will include the sponsor(s) in ideas and will, subject to prior agreement, use suggested angles and articles on the Northern Engineer platform.

Commercial partners
Northern Engineer will work closely with commercial partners in order to explore subjects and issues. In these relationships, editorial integrity and transparency are foremost.

It should also be noted that any Sponsored Content used either on the platform will be denoted as such. The abbreviation ‘SC’ (sponsored content) will be utilised at the end of any sponsored content to denote the commercial transaction that has taken place in securing the slot.

Copy approval
In the case of commissioned pieces, Northern Engineer magazine has the right to edit for style, appropriateness and fit. There is no requirement on Northern Engineer magazine's behalf to alter copy or show it in advance of it being used, unless that has been agreed prior to its use.

Reproduction of any article on Northern Engineer platform (the website) is not allowed without the express written consent of the Editor.

Copyright law protects against unauthorised use and provides a business framework for dealing in intellectual property. Using material without prior consent exposes you to legal action from the rights holder. A breach of copyright can lead to financial penalties and, in some cases, criminal liability, no matter how innocuous the use may seem. Whether you wish to reproduce content for commercial purposes or personal use the same rules apply. To request a PDF or right to reprint/use an article electronically, please contact us.