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By Marie Carter-Robb • Posted in Energy & Renewables Environmental Engineering
The global shipping industry has a significant, often overlooked, impact on our planet. Shipping emits a tenth of transport emissions, and is a major source of air pollution, and these figures are only set to rise. According to the International Maritime Organisation, shipping emissions are set to increase by up to 50% by mid-century if strict measures are not taken.
From polluting marine life to greenhouse gas emissions, the industry's footprint is massive. As we all become increasingly conscious and concerned about environmental issues and notice the effects of global warming, there's a growing need for shipping companies to adopt better sustainable practices.
The Environmental Toll of Shipping
While there are several environmental concerns associated with shipping, the two main issues the shipping industry contributes to:
Greenhouse Gas Emissions:
Ships heavily rely on fossil fuels, particularly bunker fuel, which is a heavy and often low-quality oil. This leads to significant emissions of carbon dioxide, a major contributor to climate change.
Ships also emit other pollutants such as sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), which impact the atmosphere and can cause respiratory problems and health concerns in humans.
Marine Pollution:
Oil spills, accidental excretions of harmful substances, and the introduction of invasive species through ballast water are significant threats to marine ecosystems and the damage can be catastrophic to marine life.
Reducing Shipping's Environmental Impact
To mitigate these challenges and move towards a greener planet, there are a range of strategies shipping companies can implement to bring their overall environmental impact down.
For example, optimising efficiency in ship design and identifying quick wins on board are key ways to reduce your impact. Investing in more efficient ship designs, hull coatings, and propulsion systems can reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Installing energy-efficient equipment on board ships, such as LED lighting and advanced cargo handling systems, can greatly reduce overall energy consumption.
Transitioning to alternative fuels such as low-carbon, or zero emission fuels like biodiesel, natural gas or electricity is another way to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions. Exploring and adopting alternative fuels such as liquefied natural gas (LNG), biofuels, and hydrogen can significantly lower greenhouse gas emissions.
Reducing ship speeds can lead to substantial fuel savings and emissions reductions as this results in burning less fuel and therefore emitting less CO2 and other harmful greenhouse gases.
Using advanced route planning and optimisation software can minimise fuel consumption. By selecting the most efficient routes and ensuring that vehicles travel the shortest possible distance, you are saving fuel and reducing emissions.
Implementing effective ballast water treatment systems can prevent the introduction of invasive species into marine environments and protect delicate marine ecosystems.
A Greener Future for Shipping
By implementing these measures, the shipping industry can significantly reduce its environmental impact as a whole. A future where shipping is more sustainable will not only benefit the planet but also enhance the industry's reputation and long-term viability. A greener shipping industry will contribute to alleviating climate change and its ongoing devastating consequences, with the severity of climate change dependent on how we act now, for the future.
Shipping is essential to modern life but its harmful impact on the planet needs to be addressed as we get closer to the threshold of dangerous warming. Thinking about how shipping companies can reduce emissions and streamline their operations should help save energy and money.
The transition to a more sustainable shipping industry requires collaboration between shipping companies, governments, and international organisations. By investing in technology, adopting best practices, and supporting regulatory efforts, the industry can play a vital role in safeguarding our planet for future generations to come, and setting a standard across the industry as a whole.
This article was written for Northern Engineer by Matthew Winter, Director of Rapid Shipping, a leading international freight shipping company. Rapid Shipping are experts in shipping large scale cargo and shipments. They ship both UK and internationally and are a trusted part of the shipping process for many.